Monday, June 27, 2011

LA Shoot – Behind the Scenes...way, way behind...

While we were in LA shooting our new RetroSpect Collection (look for it later this year....super hot), we got a lot of work done. And we also got a lot of no work done. Does that make sense? Here are some outtakes from the LA shoot day.....How do I have this job? It’s amazing.

LA Barney – Ahhhh Hollywood Blvd....where people that have nothing better to do actually make a living dressing up as cartoon characters, Jack Sparrow, and...Barney?!? Do kids still watch that crap? Do they even know who Barney is anymore? Well..I do. It’s a white guy named Steve...wearing a Barney costume...sorry to crush your dreams children. Oh, and there’s no Santa Claus either. Harsh. 

LA Dave – While out “scouting” on Day 1 in LA, Dave (Dragon’s Art Direction otherwise known as “Beaker”) and I came across some interesting things on the Venice boardwalk. Note to self, if I ever decided to be a pot head, I know where to get the goods....There was some incredible people watching that day and I think Dave and I left the boardwalk a little more worried about humanity than we were before. Dave looked for some guidance from the Zoltar machine and came up empty handed. Good thing he only pumped a few dollars into that thing. What a rip off. 

LA Helmet – When I get bored I like to make fun of myself and do things that some people might call “embarrassing”. One of these things was to turn myself into an actual bobble head with the help of AJ’s new motorcycle helmet. Enjoy and you’re welcome. 

LA Shoes – Adidas called, they want they’re entire 1982 collection back.  Mad steez. Mad. 

LA1 – Now, now, now...don’t everyone get all excited. I can’t even ride a normal bike, let alone a manly motorcycle. So no, I wasn’t riding this off into the sunset. I was merely entertaining the thought of trying to steal AJ’s bike when I realized that I don’t know how to ride one. So I took a picture on it instead. Thumbs up. 

LA2 – CHiPs was a great show....great. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

What happens when co-workers drink together

You get drunk...that’s what happens. Duh. Myself and our International Department resident bad ass Ashley went out with our other International Department resident bad ass/aussie-Canadian Jane (not pictured). Jane decided it would be fun to take photos of Ash and I ( was Friday and we were celebrating). She then proceeded to do some super artsy fancy treatments on said photos which begs the question “What happened to normal photos taken with a disposable camera? Where did those days go?” Oh, that’s right they are buried underground with the dinosaurs...but I digress...Anyway, I tried to take photos of them as well but I didn’t know how to work Jane’s phone and she kept yelling at me, so I got nervous. And when I get nervous the only cure for that is more Pinot Grigio. Waitress! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Platinum and Power Point Presentations

There are two things that I do a lot of... change my hair style/color, and Power Point Presentations. Obviously one is more fun than the other. I bet you can’t guess which one though. 

Both of my two favorite things are captured in this recently new dye job going to Platinum blonde (which I swore I would NEVER be...never say never...never), and me schooling the Power Points of the world with my dazzling Spring 2012 Eyewear Line presentation. Thumbs up to that for sure. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Freddy Merc and MJ...NBD

This is a random post...but I came across this pic online a few months ago and about had an awesomeness brain hemorrhage. 

Not only do I LOVE Freddie Mercury and think that Bohemian Rhapsody is a musical masterpiece, but I LOVE his outfit in this photo and his casual stance and vibe about him. Oh, and did I mention he’s with MJ in his early days? No big deal.

Monday, May 30, 2011

RetroSpect in LA LA Land

Me and the boys recently made a trip to LA for the new RetroSpect Collection photo shoot....we were shooting sexy Matt Beachman, our resident stud AJ, and Sean “The Hair” Taylor in the new Viceroy and Roosevelt frames out later this year. And to break up the sausage party, our pretty lady friend Kelsey came along to model the new Viceroy shades as well. Here are some behind the scenes pics from the shoot...just a little tease to get everyone pumped on the new RetroSpect Collection....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hill and Geordie Do Mammoth

I know no one wants to see a romantic vacation of me and my boyfriend so I’ll spare you all the explicit photos...(...or will I?)

We hit up Mammoth for one last trip before the season is over and it was amazing...sunny, great snow, no wind (surprising for Mammoth), and we brought our new child Walter the Weiner Dog for his first encounter with snow. And his first encounter with a massive mammal...Bodie, a Bernese Mountain Dog that belongs to our snow TM Alex Pashley.

Geordie was wearing the new APX goggles which he thought were amazing and I was wearing the new Hogwild color in the Rogue. Because I like glitter and sparkly things. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pets Look Good in Dragons....

Pics of our furry children, Vader the cat and Walter the weiner dog, trying on some new color samples in the Decca and BLVD....They weren’t super into it but we got a few good shots of them. Next ad campaign maybe?